•The elegant holiday bouquet includes white roses, white Asiatic lilies, white carnations and white button spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greenery.
•Approximately 11" W x 11 1/2" H.
Hydrangea, White, Lilies, Asiatic, White, Alstroemeria, White, Carnations, Miniature, White, Each Stock, White, Pittosporum, Variegated, Each Couture Vase, Clear, Teleflora, R, ( H X Opening).
Who's the fairest of them all? This snow-white bouquet. A stunning statement of your purest love, this mix of hydrangea and lilies in a Couture vase will take their heart away.
Ginger Vase, Foliage: Variegated Pittosporum, Variegated Liriope, White Lilies, Pale Green Roses , Green Button Poms , White Waxflower.
Pretty and delicate, this arrangement exemplifies the feelings of purity and peace. With white lilies, pale green roses, white waxflowers, and green button poms, Simplicity is an entrancing beauty full of grace. You can't go wrong with an arrangement this tasteful!
Sweetheart Vase, Foliage: Pittosporum, Yellow Roses, White Roses, White Monte Casino Asters, Yellow Solidago, Green Button Poms, Green Bupleurum.
This darling bouquet will be the highlight of any room! Featuring gorgeous yellow roses, majestic white roses, sophisticated white 'Monte Casino' asters, splendid green button poms, and more, White and Yellow Roses is a unique twist on a classic arrangement. This fetching bouquet is sure to delight anyone who receives it!
The chill maybe in the air, but A COURTYARD FLORIST creates a cool elegance with winter flower arrangements. Chase away the winter blues with a selection of fresh flower arrangements to adorn your home. Celebrate the beauty of fresh fallen snow with glacier-white colored flowers, intertwined with a platinum ribbon exquisitely arranged in a vase. If you love the nighttime winter sky, bring a little star gazing to your office with an amazing 'Star Gazer' lily flower arrangement. A breathtaking display of winter beauty is found in the frosty air, moist snowflakes and billowy clouds of the season. With each floral bouquet, A COURTYARD FLORIST creates a mesmerizing winter wonderland.